In accordance with theResolution of the Cabinetofthe Republic of Tajikistan01.04.2013g.Number219in theprogram overhaul of2013.included823housesin 41metro area.Funding for the programamounted to 4.7billion rubles.
Accordingto the information-analytical system ofmonitoringhousingextent of installed4 billion635 millionrubles.or 98% ofthe program.Work has been completedon628multi-familyhomesin40metropolitan regions,adoptedthe State HousingInspectorate148multi-familyhomes in15metropolitan regions.For the remaining480homesare not eliminatedobservations:the qualityof workon44homes,operatingin the71housedocumentationfor353homeson the acts ofreconciliationof expenditure datafor470homes, other(benefit)for 45homes. State HousingInspectorate of the Republicof Tatarstan,a surveyconductedin 2034on theeliminationof violationsissued75regulationseliminatedin a timelyprescription61, 14are controlled byregulations.
RF Government Decree № 731 of 23.09.2010, the approved standard for disclosure management companies operating in the field of management of apartment buildings, but the checks carried out showed that the management companies of the city of Naberezhnye Chelny not fully disclose information on their activities.